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WSA-ENLIL+Cone Model For 2.0 AU with Completion Time: 2024-10-03T19:30Z

Model Inputs:
2024-10-01T23:09:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=-19.0, Lat.=-10.0, Speed=594.0, HalfAngle=38.0, Time21.5=2024-10-02T04:22Z
2024-10-02T06:36:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=-15.0, Lat.=-24.0, Speed=356.0, HalfAngle=24.0, Time21.5=2024-10-02T15:50Z
2024-10-02T14:24:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=-7.0, Lat.=-22.0, Speed=437.0, HalfAngle=20.0, Time21.5=2024-10-02T21:17Z
2024-10-03T12:48:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=3.0, Lat.=-20.0, Speed=822.0, HalfAngle=39.0, Time21.5=2024-10-03T16:43Z

Model Outputs:
Earth Impact:
Earth Shock Arrival Time = 2024-10-04T20:19Z (+- 7 hours) [PE: -34.6 hr]
Duration of disturbance (hr) = 32.0 (+- 8 hours)
Minimum magnetopause standoff distance: Rmin(Re) = 6.4
Possible Kp index:

Other Location(s) Impact:
Lucy with estimated shock arrival time 2024-10-04T19:23Z
STEREO A with estimated shock arrival time 2024-10-05T20:44Z [PE: 1.2 hr]

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Note :
This is a 4-CME bulk simulation to determine if CME 2024-10-03T12:48Z associated with an X9.0-class solar flare would be altered by the initial fronts of CMEs 2024-10-01T23:09Z, 2024-10-02T06:36Z, and 2024-10-02T14:24Z. From timeline inspection and comparison with the single simulation of CME 2024-10-03T12:48Z by itself, we do see the Earth arrival associated with CME 2024-10-03T12:48Z pushed from 2024-10-06T04:30Z (1-CME simulation) to 2024-10-06T01:30Z (4-CME simulation). This earlier arrival is added to CME Scoreboard. All directly listed impacts to locations on DONKI are from the initial fronts associated with CMEs 2024-10-01T23:09Z, 2024-10-02T06:36Z, and 2024-10-02T14:24Z as both fronts did not combine.

Submitted on 2024-10-03T19:47Z by Chris Stubenrauch

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